

Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 1539 website!

Thanks for visiting Scouts BSA Troop 1539 website!  

We are located in Vienna, VA and are an active troop with around 40 registered scouts. We meet every Tuesday from 7:15pm to around 8:30pm except for school holidays. We meet at the Vienna Community Center during the school year, and during the summer, we meet outside at a local park. 

Troop 1539 has been chartered for over 50 years and has a rich history of service and Scouting in the Northern Virginia area. We are currently chartered by the Vienna American Legion Post, and we are proud to celebrate over 100 Eagle Scouts from our troop. 

In addition to our weekly meetings, we have monthly outdoor activities, usually camping at many fun places in Virginia and Maryland. We travel to a weeklong summer camp each summer. We also have an active high adventure program for the older scouts with regular trips to the Scouts BSA high adventure bases as well as smaller more local adventures.

We are boy-led, giving the scouts opportunities to learn through experience and controlled failure. This can look messy at times, but it allows the boys to grow a lot through the years. The adult leaders are always involved to make sure that things do not get too far off track. The scouts get to choose the types and locations of outings they are interested in and the adults in the troop look for ways to support it. As a result we have a mix of new and repeat outings that are popular with the boys.  

Our troop is organized in age/grade based patrols. The boys enjoy being in a patrol with their friends and they will typically stay in the same patrol during their time in the troop. The older scouts help support the younger scouts through their leadership positions (Troop Guide) as well as when needed.

We have a structured Eagle merit badge program offering that ensures that merit badges are available at certain times so scouts who need a particular merit badge can plan their schedule accordingly. For scouts who take advantage of this, it gives some structure to working on the badges making the path to Eagle less overwhelming and more obtainable by laying out a pathway of a few badges a year.

Arrow of Lights (AOLs) from many Vienna area Packs regularly bridge over to us and we invite AOLs to join us on some of our fall and winter activities each year. We also welcome boys to our troop who are new to scouting or transferring to our troop from another. We encourage anyone who is looking for a Vienna area troop to come and visit us at one of our troop meetings. We’d love to show you more about us.

Please contact us for more information or if you would like to come and visit us at one of our troop meetings to learn more about us.  We’d be happy to talk with you about our troop and Scouts BSA.

Congratulations to Caleb Nickels on earning Eagle!

Posted by cmschlosnagle on Feb 5 2025 - 1:05pm

Saturday, February 1st, Troop 1539 celebrated Caleb Nickels earning his Eagle Scout rank. Congratulations Caleb!

Congratulations to Noah Craner on earning Eagle!

Posted by cmschlosnagle on Jan 8 2025 - 11:25am

Saturday, January 4th, Troop 1539 celebrated Noah Craner earning his Eagle Scout rank. Congratulations Noah!

Congratulations to Owen Carroll on earning Eagle!

Posted by cmschlosnagle on Jan 8 2025 - 11:21am

Sunday, December 15th, Troop 1539 celebrated Owen Carroll earning his Eagle Scout rank. Congratulations Owen!

Levi Craner's Eagle Scout Project

Posted by mcraner1 on Nov 25 2024 - 8:33am
Levi's project was to build a chicken coop for the Turner Farmhouse which serves the community by offering grieving people an opportunity to take time away and live on a farm. They use the farm experience and grief counseling to help them cope. We have successfully built a large chicken coop on the farm, further enhancing the farm-like experience for everyone who stays there. The project took 3 days to finish. In total all the time spent working on the project was about 111.5 hours. The beneficiary got the coop ready for the chickens and they have been living in it since November 5th. A fox tried to break in but failed so the coop will keep the chickens safe. The chickens are much happier now that they have more space to roam around.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered:
  • Mr. Nichols
  • Mrs. Vu
  • Mr. McCarty
  • Mr. Huling
  • Mrs. Kirk (our beneficiary)
  • Mr. Remmers
  • Mr. Wohlander
  • Mr. Costner
  • Andrew Femenella
  • Max O'Harren
  • Jared Buckholz
  • Luke Lauretti
  • Carter Michehl
  • Lucas Hager
  • Alex Huling
  • Tyler Huling
  • Daniel Gulley
  • Adi Mohan
  • Noah Craner
  • And of course my parents and my grandmother
And thank you to Mrs. Schlosnagle and Mrs. Ilaria (District Eagle Rep) for their help during the planning stages.


Bike Trip! Cumberland, MD to Georgetown

Posted by admohan on Sep 29 2024 - 7:01pm

Over four days in July, the troop biked the C&O canal starting in Cumberland, Maryland, and ending in Georgetown, which was 185 miles. The scenery was beautiful on the ride and we had a great time. After we set up camp, we had lots of fun in our campgrounds playing in the pool and river, playing cards, and playing basketball. We had a great time completing this local high adventure!

Summer Camp 2024 - Goshen Scout Reservation - Camp Marriott - June 30 to July 6

Posted by admohan on Aug 13 2024 - 12:56pm

12 scouts ventured to Camp Marriott for summer camp. They earned a total of 63 Merit Badges and earned the coveted Camp Oar for being Troop of the Day!

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